Monitoring of intersex index of periwinkles (Littorina littorea L.) at the coast of Lower Saxony since 1994

Endocrine active organotin compounds like TBTO, TBTCl and TPTC formerly used as antifouling agents are banned since 2008. Under the umbrella of OSPAR the ban is being controlled by monitoring the intersex stages in snails at the North Sea and the North Atlantic  (OSPAR 2000, 2007). NLWKN is in charge to conduct the monitoring along the German coast of Lower Saxony since 1994. LimnoMar performs the investigation of Littorina littorea by morphological and histological criteria.


Untersuchung von Strandschnecken (Littorina littorea L.) zur Bestimmung des Intersex-Index an der niedersächsischen Küste. Auftraggeber:  Der Niedersächsische Landesbetrieb für Wasserwirtschaft, Küsten- und Naturschutz. Gesamtkoordinator: LimnoMar. 2003 – 2019

Watermann, T., M. Herlyn & B. Daehne (2014). Langfristige Effekte von Antifouling-Bioziden in marinen Gewässern. Küstengewässer und Ästuare Band 7. 9 S.

B. Watermann, A. Thomsen, B. Schultz, D. Daehne (2017): Sedimentbelastung der Häfen an der deutschen Nord-und Ostseeküste 2009 – 2013.